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Safe Student Community

Safe Student Community

51 is committed to providing a civil and safe environment that is respectful of the rights, responsibilities, well-being, and dignity of all of its members.

Student Rights and responsibilities outline what students are entitled to, and also what students are responsible for while at 51.  These rights and responsibilities extend to the virtual environment as well.

This covers things like bullying, harassment, racism, violence, and other behaviours that disrupt the learning environment, making it difficult for others to focus on their learning.  As a student, you are expected to act in a way that respects the learning of other students.

These rights, responsibilities, and disruptive behaviours are outlined in 3 main policies that are considered “non-academic misconduct.”

  1.     Safe Student Learning Community Policy 204
  2.     Prevention, Education, and Response to Sexualized Violence Policy 236
  3.     Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy 18

Join the conversation on sexualized violence prevention

Share your thoughts on 51's sexualized violence prevention strategy, education, and response. Your feedback is key to help us review and improve our current policy.

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